Mohammed Nassar
First name
Last name
Your Email
Event Date
What is the name of the organization hosting the event?
What is the name of event?
Has this type of event been held in the past?---Please Select---YesNo
Will this be a virtual, in-person or hybrid event?---Please Select---HybridIn-PersonVirtual
What is the primary audience for this event?
What length of presentation are you looking for? Are you also wanting Q&A? If so, for how long?
What is your approximate budget for booking Nassar as a speaker?
What topic(s) is your audience interested hearing from Nassar?
How many people do you expect to attend Nassar’s session?
How many people will be at the event overall?
Are there other invited speakers? If so, who?
How much does it cost to attend the event?
Tell us any other details we should know about your event & speaking needs: